ACLU - Enemy of the State

Did you know that the ACLU has filed a suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones
removed from US Military cemetaries? Did you know that the ACLU has filed suit to end prayer
completely from all military services. The ACLU has made great progress, Navy Chaplains
can no longer mention Jesus' name in prayer thanks to the ACLU and the new administration.

According to the ACLU, progress is:
    1. Removal of all vestiges of Judeo-Christian symbols from public areas.
    2. Removal of all prayer from graduations.
    3. Removal of all Bibles from government offices.
    4. Removal of all persons protesting in front of abortion clinics.
    5. Removal of crosses from PRIVATE property.
    6. Removal of all Christmas Trees from public property.
    7. Removal of all nativity scenes from public property.
    8. Removal of a 'moment of silence' at public gatherings.
    9. Curtailment of all talk-radio descent of government and politicians.
    10. Removal of tax exempt status of churches who speak out against homosexuality.
    11. Removal of tax exempt status of ALL churches.
    12. Removal of the U.S. Motto "In God We Trust" from all currency and public buildings.