Truth In News

Who are the 'Occupy Wall Street' Protestors ?

      The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests have popped up all over the US in many cities and towns. Former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi said: "God bless them". This is the same speaker that said: "we have to pass the bill (Obamacare) so we can read it." So now I am immediately suspect of the camped-out crowd on Wall Street. Pelosi said that the protest crowd was: "spontaneous" and all-around good guys.

      The people who support the protestors equate them to the Democratic Party 'Tea Party'. The occupy Dallas, occupy Wall Street, occupy Seattle, occupy Ft. Lauderdale, etc. crowd actually pay many of the protestors to be there and chant and scream their demands. But, there is no opposition, except for the police who is the force to prevent mayhem and property destruction.

      So what are the demands and concerns of the protest actions, sit-ins, occupy activity, pick-open hand-cuffs training and 'other' peaceful activities of the protestors? They demand Wall Street share the wealth: give them all free college tuition, free insurance, free housing. I would like to add: free automobiles to that list.

      It was the 'hope and change' pronouncements in 2008 and 2009 that have now become frustration on those who drank that coolaid rhetoric and now are unhappy with their choice. Well, maybe they should move their protest to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC. The protestors no longer have the 'hope and change' outlook that was promised in the 2008 election.

      It was at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago that the same type of 'protestors' got physical with the Chicago police and landed many of them in prison. They wanted to disrupt the convention that nominated the Democratic candidate for president of the U.S. and they did. It was a black-eye on the Democratic party political system.

      So, who are these protestors? They are paid protestors that cause disruption to Americans who want to work for a living. They are malcontents that want to disrupt the American political system and get their names in the news. They have gotten the 'wink' from Obama and an 'atta-boy' from Pelosi and the main-stream-media (msm) supports them and writes and broadcasts only the 'good-stuff' they have done.

      When you ask the protestors why they are protesting, you will get a dozen different answers. When you ask a 'Tea Party' supporter why they are member of that group, they mostly speak in a single voice that they want: 'less government, fewer taxes, less regulation and overall more liberty and freedom'. The OWS crowd wants more government and less freedom. They want just the opposite of what the freedom fighters under General George Washington fought for.

      The OWS crowd are anarchists who have not quite shown their cards yet. But, if history is any measure of what they will do, you can count on mayhem and anarchy, like the 1968 Democratic convention. They want to destroy the American standard of living, they want the disintegration of society much like the Nazis in the 1930's and Bolsheviks in 1917, so they can take over. The Nazis and Bolsheviks were both successful minorities that attained power by brutal force. Given the chance, the OWS crowd, along with their puppet masters and bullish unions, will do the same.

      You are forwarned, the revolution has begun (in the minds of progressives). They would rather have the country distracted and fail, than for them to lose another election. They will make every and all effort to insure their win succeeds. The 1960's malcontents have been resurrected from their long slumber only to be in the streets of DC, Atlanta, LA and many more cities and towns in America. You are the enemy of the left because you resist their liberal ways. You are considered more of a threat to liberal progressives than Islamic terrorists. They have named you enemy #1.

Down with the Corporations