Truth In News

Hope and Change

      How is all that hope and change working out for ya?

      Hey there peacenic codepinkers - how is Obama's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan working out for you? Afterall, you elected him on his promises to get the hell out'ta there? Didn't Obama increase the number of US troops in Afghanistan by 30,000? Hey there greenies and enviro-whackos - how about Obama reversing the long-standing offshore oil drilling ban? Afterall, you elected him on his promises to clean-up the environment, lower greenhouse gases (more oil drilling means more human caused greenhouse gases - right?) and make alternative energy a way of life. Hey there blind idealists - Obama promised to make healthcare insurance affordable to all. Well now, after passing Obamacare, some companies said that their company health insurance costs would increase by $100,000,000. Those INCREASED insurance costs will most likely be passed on to employees and eventually to YOU and ME. How, is all that hope and change working out for ya?

      Hey there gullable idiots - did you also drink the coolaid from Obama's fulltime campaign committee 'organizingforamerica'? Now, you can get a signed certificate stating the "true facts" of the 2010 health reform act. Everyone's healthcare costs are bound to decrease - right? And you get to claim that you were a part of it. Hey you malcontents - how is Obama sticking up for you these days? You are yet another under represented, under privileged, under educated, under the bus road kill. Yep, the Obama healthcare act of 2010 has done it to you too. You are being used by SEIU, Acorn, and other union organizing groups. Of course, you did not understand that they operate under the cloak of greed and "I want what is yours." They are lawless radical organizations that would never look out for the betterment of country, they are only interested in what they can extort from everyone else.

      The administration now in Washington DC operates in the manner that makes Chicago thugs proud. "We can't know what is the healthcare bill, until we pass the bill" as stated by the speaker of the house. Now, the way to defund the, now law Obama healthcare bill, is to VOTE'EM ALL OUT and that would include: Pelosi, Reid, Waxman, Honda and every senator and congressman who voted for the obamanation healthcare reform. Guess what is next? Yep, all who voted for healthcare now want to institute open borders and giving all illegal alians citizenship and instant voting rights. And another obamanation is "cap and trade" otherwise known as: Cap all carbon fuel usage and then tax those who use carbon fuels.

      It was Obama policy to have a 72 hour window where the White House would post upcoming legislation. Well, that did not work out either. Seems the White House would rather keep everyone in the dark. How about the promise to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan? How has that worked out for the libs? You will never hear much from the main stream media (msm), and you won't hear anything from the White House.

      How is all that hope and change working out for you?
      Are you better-off today than on November 4, 2008?