Truth In News

The 'Dream Team' Platform

      There are many political issues that will be discussed and argued in 2012 and so it time to time to outline the "Dream Team" platform that will win the election. The U.S. Founding Fathers took pains taking time to write the documents upon which this country was founded. It is time for the country to return to the intent of the 'Declaration of Independence' and the U.S. Constitution. 'Original Intent' is more important than the mythological thinking of judges and their total disregard of the founding documents due to their pre-disposed skewed thinking, based on political bias and not the law. Here are the planks that contribute to a growing U.S. economy, more jobs for Americans, lower prices and improved energy availability, improved national defense and term limits on all who serve in congress and senate:

        • Defund the EPA, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Federal Reserve.

        • Open public and government land to energy exploration and cut all energy taxes by half.

        • Outlaw the killing (abortion) of future tax paying U.S. Citizens.

        • Fortify U.S. borders with more border police and equipment.

        • Improve U.S. military pay and weapon systems.

        • Repeal Obamacare (defund all aspects of the law).

        • Ban the sale of carbon credits and the government investment in 'green' energy.

        • Term limit U.S. senators to two terms and congressmen to 5 terms.

        • Children born to illegal aliens will no longer automatically be U.S. citizens.

        • Taxation initiatives can only be voted by those who the tax will affect.

        • Increase the penalty on those who smuggle illegal drugs in the U.S.

        • Require a government photo-ID (drivers license) be presented to precinct workers when voting.

        • Stop all government subsidies to ANY union, union workers and union management. No more stimulus money to Acorn and similar organizations and discourage membership in all unions.

        • Provide farmers the water they need to grow the country's food and cotton.

        • Halt federal subsidies to farmers for not planting and providing more food.

        • Support Israel in their fight against terrorism.

        • Immediately begin a 5 year moratorium on ALL immigrants and foreign workers.

        • Decrease state and federal laws that discourage business and commerce.

        • Open public lands to the public.

        • Remove (cut-down) all highway 'government reinvestment act' signs.

        • The law of the land is the U.S. Constitution without regard to ANY foreign law.

    The bottom-line is this:

    1) Keep the government out of the way of commerce, business and invention,
    2) Keep the government, at-home and abroad, in the business of protecting all U.S. citizens,
    3) Maintain a strong currency,
    4) End all subsidies of government approved energy production,
    5) Return all public education to: reading, writing and arithmetic,
    6) Honor all those who have served and those serving in the military.

    Vote for the dream-team that supports the above planks.