Truth In News

Organizing for America

      "Organizing for America" is an organization run by unions. The elitists in 'organizing for amerika' actually dictate to union officials how to extort 'contributions' from union members, how members should vote, where members should buy goods and services, which businesses to boycot, etc.

      The recent protests in Egypt led to the ouster of a dictator. The protestors in Wisconsin have barged in on duly elected Wisconsin senators and legislators with the intent to disrupt the legislative process. Instead of using the democratic system, the Wisconsin protestors have caused chaos and havoc, which is the exact same process used in Egypt.

      "Organizing for America" was the primary organization that 'got out the vote' in 2008. They registered Micky and Minnie Mouse and the Denver Broncos defensive line to vote in that election. They also registered many dead people and those infirmed in a coma. The dead and in a coma voted and elected Democratic cantidates in 2008.

      The Wisconsin protestors have driven-off the legislators so they could not vote on fiscally responsible measures. Madison, Wisconsin has been trashed with trash from the 'democratic' protestors. If you do not like your legislators and senators, then vote them out. Otherwise, let the democratic system run as it was intended by the state constitution.

      Wisconsin Governor Walker was elected by a majority of the people who wanted the state to get its fiscal house in order. His proposal to stop 'union collective bargaining' and allow teachers, police officers, fire fighters to advance in grade and pay based on their own merits and not the strong arm of a union.

      The United States of America was founded by men who were dedicated to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The country was founded on laws that supported private enterprise and realized that public officials were responsible to the people who voted for them. Elected officials are not intended to be dictators such as in the regimes in Venezuela and Cuba. US elected officials are only to serve temporarily in the office to which they were elected.

      The taking over the Wisconsin legislature and senate has resulted in no vote being taken on the Governor's budget. Governor Walker's budget was to strip public employees from 'collective bargaining' of pensions and salaries to providing public employees to contribute to their own 401k retirement plan (like everyone else in the state, and for that matter in the United States).

      It is very unfair for public employees to be on the public dole for their entire working history and then to collect their highest years salary for retirement. The unfunded retirement benefits have placed the state 'under water' and the budget cannot make such payments without becoming fiscally insolvent.

      The people of Wisconsin voted in a new set of legislators and governor in 2010. The people told the elected officials to get the state's financial house in order. Now, a group of people who do not believe in the electoral process want to take over the Wisconsin legislature and prevent them from doing their sworn duty.

      Maybe it's time for Governor Walker to call in the National Guard to protect Wisconsin legislators so they can do the duty to which they were elected. And send the anarchist union thugs and useful idiots packing.

      Be careful America, and watch the tactics that will used during the 2012 election. You will see disruption, massive protests, anarchist unrest and threats against elected officials. What has happened to your country? It is past time for the state and federal governments to live within their means.